

The Christian Sponsor at the Baptism of an Infant Baptism Packet PDF

Father, I want to be Baptized!

Jesus Christ makes clear the necessity of Baptism. Jesus' call for us to be Baptized of "water and the spirit" (John 3:5) is the most common path for the forgiveness of all Sins, Original Sin and Personal Sin, and incorporation into the Mystical Body of Christ the Church. Most often, Baptism occurs when we are infants. However, there are times that God stirs us as adults to be baptized if we were not baptized in our youth.

Saint Olaf has two main tracks to assist you with Baptism: As part of Faith Formation for your child or as a part of our Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults program (RCIA). Which ever route you see, we invite you to call Dennis Kurtz (our Director of Parish Formation) or Fr. James to talk your journey toward Baptism for you or your child. You can reach us at 715-832-2504 - Dennis ext. 103 - Fr. James ext. 104


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